Category: Uncategorized

We Are Here To Help

Posted on September 7, 2018

Adoptive parents open their hearts and their families for orphans. They think they save these children from disaster which waits for these children in the future. They are ready to give love, care and nurture to compensate all years without parental...

Want to make your adoption in Ukraine faster? Stuck here waiting on the documents? This is one small but great solution from me to you! Why don’t you use it?

Posted on July 1, 2018

Since several latest changes in the Ukrainian Law, such as 30-day appeal time after court, new birth certificate, a new ID card before the new passport, getting a new passport for the adopted children, etc. All this has become a nightmare for the ad...


Posted on November 21, 2017

Q: My Home Study was notarized on 7/11/2017 and I know it should be valid for a year, but commission of the notary who notarized it expired on 8/20/2017. Does it mean my Home study expired too? A: No, it does not expire this way. Your Home Study ...


Posted on October 15, 2017

I have had multiple requests for legal advice from adoptive families concerning adoption of the children from foster homes. They applied for adoption of such children and were denied with such possibility at the very first appointment. With frustrat...


Posted on March 23, 2017

Yes, and in fact these are different things. DISSOLUTION of adoption takes place in cases when adoption, being legally performed and adjudged, did not work out for the child, for the family or both. If the child did not establish a bond to t...

Mistakes in the Documents. What if it happened?

Posted on August 23, 2016

Mistakes in the documents Every person working with documents knows how easy it is to make a mistake. Sometimes they are simply inevitable. It is always a preference to redo it right away. But what if you cannot redo or retype an already notarize...

We Won!

Posted on June 28, 2016

Happy to announce the victory of our team in the battle with Ukrainian bureaucracy for the child’s future. ...

There are orphanages in Ukraine, which haven’t seen a single adoptive parent

Posted on May 2, 2016

They have great kids who need basic things like clothes, formula and tooth paste. They get “new” clothes from older kids which grow out of them. Toys, they do not get new toys but for those which their caretakers bring from home. But look how beauti...