Adoption dissolution

Adoptive parents open their hearts and their families for orphans. They think they save these children from disaster which waits for these children in the future. They are ready to give love, care and nurture to compensate all years without parental love, without mom and dad. They dream about how happy this child will be to have a family. How grateful and loving in return.

But then reality strikes and a happy process turns into a disaster for a family.

Some children, especially older, have so much damage to their soles and characters that having them as a family member can be a dramatic challenge. They are grown up and formed personalities. They must have lived in an orphanage for too long that they can not fully accommodate into a family. Destructing themselves they destruct the adoptive family.

We are not talking about mood swings or swearing in public, it is about about sexual abuse of siblings and parents, pathological lies which lead to parents in jail, threat and life threatening abuse to the family members, alcohol and drugs, running away, living in the streets, etc.

These families feel lost because they do not know what to do. They are afraid to share it in their adoption groups, because of rage and judgments which will follow. People are so fast to judge. Some families suffer for years. They feel stuck: they can’t parent this child and they cannot return the child back.

We have clients who wrote after years of suffering, marriages ruined with younger biological children in therapy.

If, in spite of your efforts, adoption did not work out, it can be cancelled. The procedure is performed by a legal suit in the Ukrainian court, based on the evidence. Time frame: 6+ months  in the average. The child is returned to Ukraine to the Children’s Protective Services which placed the child for adoption. Our firm makes sure that the best interests of our clients as well as of the child were kept. 

Do not hesitate to write to us about your problem, we will be happy to provide the best solution.